December 8, 2022

Describe tradition

Family customs can range from the most modest, repeated gestures to the most lavish, unpaid celebrations. Any ritualized activity your family engages in becomes a tradition, and these customs frequently take root quite unintentionally as a result of our tendency to repeat the activities we enjoy doing together.

Other customs have been consciously created by parents or have been handed down through the generations in an effort to foster unity. Some customs, like giving away used toys during the holiday season or regularly volunteering at a nearby shelter, are a reflection of family values.


We have a special place in our hearts for family customs. Some of our best childhood memories come from the customs our parents uphold, and every book, board game, road trip, and holiday shapes the memories of our kids as well. Our shared identity is shaped by tradition. They improve the bonds inside our family. Children, especially young children, value structure, stability, familiarity, and security, which is why they provide these things. Tradition provides us with mutual nourishment.

Even the idea that family customs encourage better emotional control has been floated. You're more likely to be resilient as an adult if you grew up in a family with strict rituals, according to Dr. Steven Wolin, a psychologist at George Washington University.

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